About S.S. Music

The company SIA “S.S.MUSIC” operates in the cultural and creative sphere. The main activities are musical design of events (group BRUĢIS, Austrumkrasts, Sandra Sproģa solo project, etc.), technical support of events (sound, light), visual design of events, sound recording studio. In the lifetime of the company, we have implemented many large-scale and challenging projects, participated in and supported various events. Our clients include companies that provide technical support for concerts, shows and conferences of local and international significance, as well as musicians, houses of culture and public administration institutions.

We care about the result. The opportunity to be present in the processes where the Event occurs is our driving force, so we are committed to providing the best possible solution every time.

Every successfully implemented or supported project inspires us, makes us even more knowledgeable and experienced. Therefore, in order to better meet people's needs and desires, the company came up with a business idea - to unite all areas of activity in one environment, creating an inspiring, unique environment for music and culture.


Our challenge and commitment is to be the best in the industry, maintaining a long-term leadership position, which is possible through continuous improvement, understanding the needs and wishes of our customers, offering them appropriate, high-quality offers and solutions.


We fulfill people's dreams, desires and needs, creating an ideal active and creative, musical and cultural space with increasing value over time.


To organize high-quality full-service active and creative, musical and cultural events with high added value, and to offer multifunctional cultural services in Madona, taking into account the client's wishes and needs.

About S.S. Music